Dice and Slice | Droppah Customer
Dice and Slice | Droppah Customer

Dice and Slice

Board Game Bar & Pizzeria

Dice & Slice employ Droppah Hire to meet post-summer staffing needs

Board games, pizza, cocktails, good vibes and super good rostering. That’s what defines the Christchurch legends at Dice & Slice. Owners Nicole and Chris Thomson were already using Droppah to schedule their staff, but the Hire feature has been the real game-changer (get it?!).

Since opening in 2020, Dice & Slice has been a meeting ground for game and food lovers alike. Like other hospo venues, this escalates during the holiday season. Nicole added Hire to their toolkit to manage the rush and support the rest of the team. Now, with summer winding down, Nicole says “one of our casual workers is finishing soon, and instead of re-hiring, we’ll use Droppah to avoid going over budget or disappointing anyone.” Whether it’s bustling or quiet, Hire enables hospo businesses to stay agile without the fuss of extra contracts.

“We’re big fans! People are probably sick of hearing about it.”

A great app should be easy for anyone to use. In a “moment of urgency”, several people called in sick unexpectedly, including Nicole, who typically manages Droppah Hire. Chris had never used the system, but he jumped in to fill the gaps. Nicole said, “he was surprised at how simple and speedy it was to set up a shift and find a candidate.” Thanks to the ease of use, the crisis was averted, and Dice & Slice customers could continue playing Catan and munching on their pepperoni pizza in peace. 

“Imagine if every hospitality business signed up - so many workers would be available. The more, the merrier!”

Hire has a bunch of benefits for venues, but Nicole is also pumped about how it can help individuals build a personal brand. Nicole said she directed a well-known Christchurch bartender to Hire when there were no available shifts at Dice & Slice. Hire encourages great hospo workers to stay in the game, and then save the day when you need them most. Nicole sees the appeal on a personal level. “As a bar owner, I’ve even considered applying for shifts at other venues!” A tighter hospo community means better industry results for everyone. Join Dice & Slice in making it happen. Droppah is free for companies with up to ten employees.

Company: Dice and Slice
Website: diceandslice.co.nz
Industry: Board Game Bar & Pizzeria
Customer since: July 2023
Team size: 10
Why Droppah?
  • Droppah Hire fills the gaps in all seasons
  • Shifts can be easily set up by anyone
  • Workers can build their own personal brand
Dice and Slice | Droppah Customer

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